Developing is not for everyone,
Learning to code empowers you to do many things you otherwise wouldn’t have been be able to do.
This includes hand-crafting your own websites,
becoming a career coder or even starting a technology enterprise.
Most importantly, you’ll be able to understand the technology shaping your world,
(this site was done in one night).
A lot of people seem to mixing up design - especially web design -
and programming. It’s true that to be a successful developer,
a good knowledge of html, css, and javascript is essential.
But there is much more involved in building a website than people think.
For example, a well structured and secure database,
because these things are not visible,
but are definitely a crucial part of most advanced applications.
The power of automation is amazing, as a business owner or manager, take a minute to
think if there is some work that is done every day,
or complicated task that can't be done as often as you like because there is not enough manpower
to complete the task.
This is where the power of computer comes into play.
Rather than having a few employees entering data or doing some other task where the results
involve a lot of waiting and human error,
automating the work may save a lot of time,
money, and overhead, and it might even be much cheaper than paying for employees to do it.